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The most important documents required for the import and export process.

 Import and export is one of the interesting and profitable fields, and it is not as difficult and complicated as some might think, and it is the process of selling or buying products between companies outside the country's borders.

This field is not limited to the owners of large capitals, and anyone who has the ingredients that we will mention later can professionalize this field.

This field is not limited to the owners of large capitals, and anyone who has the ingredients that we will mention later can professionalize this field.

The most important documents required for the import and export process.


Import is the process of entering goods into customs areas from other regions of the world or from free customs areas, and the purpose of importing is to obtain products manufactured or grown in another country and bring them to your country without traveling.

    The most important documents required for import:

  1. waybill:It is a report submitted by the carriers of cargo shipments, which contains an accurate detail of the shipments and their nature.
  2. Commercial Invoice:It is an important legal invoice in the import and export process, containing the names and prices of goods with the international commercial documentation required for the supply of products.
  3. Certificate of Origin:This certificate is as important to the importer as it is to the exporters and shipping companies, which is documented by the commercial attaché at your country's embassy in the country from which you are importing.
  4. Quality Certificate:The most important documents required for import are the product quality certificate or related health certificates, because they are a pledge of the quality of the imported goods, and the quality certificate is required to include with it a valid signature from the bank you deal with.
  5. Payment Receipt:Sometimes some ports require a receipt that proves payment of the shipment value via the transfer code in it, this form is extracted from the bank from which you transferred the money, preferably this payment form ends with the statement that the payment has been made.

    Import procedures from countries of the world:

  1. The importer identifies specific products he wants and searches the world markets for suppliers of these products.
  2. Importers negotiate with exporters about payments, delivery, transportation, insurance and time.
  3. The importer sends a proforma invoice to the exporter.
  4. The exporter sends a summary of the application to the importer.
  5. The exporter supplies the goods.
  6. Determine arrangements for shipping, packing, transportation and customs clearance of merchandise.
  7. Loading and transporting the goods with the preparation of the bill of lading and the documents of the importer.
  8. The agent of origin assumes the responsibility and sends the documents to the agent of destination, then the shipment moves.
  9. Informing the importer of the arrival of the shipment.
  10. Paying the customs clearance costs and receiving shipments, then paying through the bank to the exporters.


    The most important documents required for export:

  1. commercial invoices:They are documents that include the exporter’s information and contact numbers with payment terms and product delivery, importers’ details in detail with an accurate description of shipments.
  2. packing list:It is an important list for the export process to take place, and the process may be delayed because of it, and the exporter in it includes data on the shipment, its products and its weight with the information of the exporter, importer and transport companies.
  3. Certificate of Origin:It is a certificate extracted from the customs authority of the country of origin, and no export takes place without it! The certificate of origin is obtained by submitting the registration data for the commercial exchange, the commercial register of the exporting company and the commercial invoice.
  4. Shipping Policy:Or the shipping document, without which the export will not take place and its task is to prove that the shipping company received the shipment and that it is obligated to deliver it as it is. On the description of the port of arrival and the information of the cargo ship.

    Export procedures from your country to the world:

  1. Global market need for your products.
  2. Start receiving orders from interested importers.
  3. Communicate with the best importers and negotiate with them.
  4. Preparing papers and documents necessary for export in your country.
  5. Arranging pre-shipment procedures and securing shipments.
  6. Arranging packing procedures, transportation and shipment of goods to ports.
  7. Pay the costs of loading and submit the certificates of the country of origin and other documents to the shipping agent.
  8. The originating agent communicates with the source agent.The movement of shipments and their arrival at the port of destination.
  9. The movement of shipments and their arrival at the port of destination.
  10. Receiving the rest of the payments as soon as the shipment arrives.

The field of import and export is one of the most profitable fields at all, but it requires planning and coordination at a high level, adequate research for successful import and export areas, paperwork processing and cooperation with suppliers, importers and logistics providers.


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